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Wang Xiliang Nine Peaches and Five Fortunes in a Jar

*本次藏品 王锡良 九桃五福如意罐

典藏尺寸:高26cm 口径9.5cm


Wang Xiliang (February 1922 - March 13, 2023), originally from Yixian County, Anhui Province, was born in Jingdezhen. He was born in Jingdezhen. He was a Chinese master of arts and crafts and a master of ceramic art in China, and his family was poor when he was young, so at the age of 12, he dropped out of school to learn porcelain painting from his uncle Wang Dafan, one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan and a famous ceramic artist in Jingdezhen. Research Institute, engaged in ceramic art creation, research. He has been the chairman of Jingdezhen Art Workers Association, the fourth and fifth member of Jingdezhen Political Consultative Conference, and the sixth member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In 1959, he was awarded the title of “Ceramic Artist” by Jingdezhen Municipal People's Government; in 1959, he became the first ceramic master whose works were displayed in the Great Hall of the People, and “Cradle of Revolution Jinggang Mountain” was displayed in Jiangxi Hall; in 1975, he became one of the first ceramic masters who participated in the creation of 7501 Mao ceramics; he was the first ceramic master who participated in the creation of 7501 Mao ceramics. In 1975, became the first batch of ceramic masters involved in the creation of 7501 Mao porcelain; 1979 by the Ministry of Light Industry awarded the title of “Chinese Arts and Crafts Masters”, Jingdezhen City, the first person to receive this honor. 1987 was assessed as a senior arts and crafts master title, in 1992 to enjoy the State Council issued the “government” special allowance. Special allowance” is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, Jingdezhen Painting and Calligraphy Institute President; 1994, became the first batch of the government awarded the title of ‘ceramic family’ ceramic family; 2005, became the first winner of the ”China Arts and Crafts Lifetime Achievement Award “The honor of ceramic masters; in 2009, refresh China's contemporary ceramics world record, become China's most expensive contemporary ceramic works; in 2016, become contemporary China's first personal works auction total turnover of more than 100 million ceramic masters; July 24, 2012, China ceramic art art category honor and title senior talents to celebrate the fourth China Ceramic Art Art honors and titles of senior talents award ceremony, Chinese porcelain art six methods, Jiangxi Province, senior ceramic artist training courses, Chinese ceramic elements code recognition number preparation start a number of cultural and artistic activities held in Swan Lake Hotel. Jingdezhen ceramics titan, Chinese arts and crafts master Mr. Wang Xiliang accepted and passed the nomination, brewing, the first contemporary Chinese ceramic art master honorary qualification. When the presidium members, famous poets, Chinese ceramic art certification experts will be awarded the honorary certificate of Chinese ceramic art masters on behalf of the ceramic family, Mr. Wang Juan, the venue resounded with thunderous applause, Mr. Wang Xiliang physically, learning and progressing masters of style, so that the ceramic art of the vast number of colleagues is highly encouraged.

*本次藏品 王锡良 九桃五福如意罐

典藏尺寸:高26cm 口径9.5cm


Recently, our company collected a Wang Xiliang's Nine Peaches and Five Fortunes Ruyi Jar, the collection is dignified and elegant, its belly is full, the lines are smooth, the structure is reasonable, full of harmonious beauty. The design of the lid knob is particularly exquisite, and the ruyi lid knob adds a touch of bright color to the entire lid jar. The decoration of the jar body is rich and diverse, the main pattern for the five blessings, nine peaches offer longevity and other auspicious motifs. The main ornamental surface painted peach tree, the trunk is strong with the posture of the sky, the fork stretching strong. Green leaves thick and thin depth, back to back yin and yang, completely from Wang Xiliang sketching, none of the rusty and hasty pen. The layout of the peaches reflects the traditional painting “save three gather five” law, each peach also has a different angle, full of three-dimensional sense, the use of rendering techniques to paint peach decorations, peach decorations, thick color, showing the delicate colors of ripe peaches, the composition of sparse and dense, the formation of the leaves have a yin and yang back and forth, the tree has the effect of the old branches and new shoots. The Nine Peaches and Five Fortunes Ruyi Jar is not only a work of art, but also a testimony of traditional Chinese culture and history. In traditional Chinese culture, Fortune, Longevity, Five Fortunes and Nine Peaches Offering Longevity are all symbols of good fortune, longevity and wealth. The use of these motifs not only demonstrates people's desire for a better life, but also reflects the unique influence of traditional culture on porcelain decoration.

*本次藏品罐盖                          *本次藏品底款

藏品足底内署“中国工艺美术大师 王锡良”十一字两行款,字亦清晰,苍劲之中有秀逸之气。王锡良在多年的陶瓷艺术作生涯中,师法自然,博览众长,以重工粉彩,最为称道。百岁瓷王,百年巨作,王锡良结合自己多年瓷器创作经验,融合自己百年人生阅历,在他百岁寿诞之际成功创烧这件精品,属景德镇经典粉彩福寿瓷,画面朴拙、厚实。圆润、章法别致,传统中见精妙,灵动中显道丽,是为粉彩瓷画之精品。

Collection of foot inside the signature “China Arts and Crafts Master Wang Xiliang” eleven words in two lines, the word is also clear, pale and strong in the air of elegance. Wang Xiliang in many years of ceramic art career, the master of nature, the long, to heavy pastel, the most praised. Hundred years old porcelain king, a century of masterpieces, Wang Xiliang combined with his many years of experience in porcelain creation, fusion of their own hundred years of life experience, in his 100th birthday successfully burned this boutique, is a classic Jingdezhen pastel Fukushou porcelain, the picture is simple, thick. Rounded, chic chapters, traditional in the see subtle, dynamic in the show Road Li, is a pastel porcelain painting of the fine arts.


For information about the above collections, please contact: Sichuan Jun Zailai Auction Group Co.